When S#!T Hits the Fan

18 November 2017


When S#!t Hits the Fan was a one off event that aimed at empowering people to take the plunge in entrepreneurship through the recounting of past failures of successful local entrepreneurs.

Event Overview

In 2017, the Local Organisation JCI La Vallette recognised how there were plenty of events where people talk about how they hacked, hustled, and created their success, but there were very few where someone gets up and says “I totally messed up, and this is what I learned from it.”

This specific event, held at the Beer Cave allowed participants to listen and get inspired from three (3) speakers ready to share their failure stories with an audience of people. Neil Caruana, Jarek Bialek and Nathan Farrugia shared failure stories from their experiences. The stories were business and sport stories highlighting the importance of failing in order to become more resilient to grow further. Each speaker was given 15 minutes to share their stories which were then followed by a Q&A session. After that everyone was encouraged to network over a beer or two and share their own experiences.

Around 50 people attended the event with one person becoming a member of JCI.



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