buy a meal

25 June 2020


The ‘Buy a Meal’ project looked to support local SMEs in the catering/hospitality industry during the unprecedented times brought along by coronavirus, while also helping the more vulnerable in society. This project was also aimed to attract those people who want to help during the pandemic (and beyond) but might not know what they can do.

Project Overview

When ‘Buy a Meal’ was launched on 24 March, no one could have imagined the enormous impact that it would have on the community; however, in just seven days JCI Malta raised over €10,000 in donations for this worthy cause. In total, the money collection both from public donations as well as corporate donations reached close to €20,000. JCI Malta engaged several businesses, both struggling ones as well as ones that have not been affected by the pandemic so that they help each other survive. JCI Malta also collaborated with several NGOs that helped different vulnerable people in society, with the project reaching 150 vulnerable people who may have otherwise gone hungry due to loss of jobs or other reasons related to coronavirus. Through this project, JCI Malta also consolidated an additional €5,000 credit donation from one of Malta’s leading supermarkets for the local Foodbank in order to reach another portion of people that the project couldn’t reach nor help due to fund restrictions. The project has attracted a lot of media attention, and inspired other JCI countries to run similar projects.


  • Around €16,000 collected to go up to around €20,000 by end of the project
  • 150 people aided through the project
  • 1,200 meals delivered so far, estimated delivery of 2,000+ meals by the end of the project
  • Several JCI countries were inspired to run the project, particularly JCI Serbia
  • 2 new members
  • 5 new sponsors
  • 5+ NGO partners
  • 2 Government partnerships
  • 10+ media mentions
  • 300+ new likes on Facebook

Interested in running a similar project with JCI Malta? Speak to the project manager of Buy A Meal, Nicole Borg, by sending an e-mail on [email protected] for more information and guidance.



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