12 August 2024


The Ten Outstanding Young Persons (TOYP) Awards are back, and we are thrilled to announce that nominations are officially open! If you know a young person whose achievements, leadership, or dedication to serving others have made a remarkable impact on society, now is the time to nominate them for this prestigious recognition.

What Are the TOYP Awards?

The TOYP Awards honor the most outstanding young people from around the world who are making a significant difference in their communities and beyond. These individuals are the trailblazers, the innovators, and the change-makers of today, working tirelessly to build a better tomorrow. Whether they have excelled in business, community service, science, arts, or any other field, their contributions deserve to be recognized.

Why Should You Nominate?

Nominating someone for a TOYP Award is more than just acknowledging their hard work; it’s about celebrating their passion and amplifying their impact. Here’s why you should take a few minutes to submit a nomination:

1. Recognize Unsung Heroes

Many young leaders work behind the scenes, making a difference without seeking the spotlight. A TOYP nomination can bring much-deserved attention to their efforts and inspire others to follow in their footsteps.

2. Encourage Further Growth

Being recognized by a global platform can be a powerful motivator. A TOYP Award can encourage nominees to continue their work, knowing that their efforts are seen and valued.

3. Highlight the Power of Youth

Young people are often at the forefront of innovation and change. By nominating someone for TOYP, you’re helping to highlight the incredible contributions young people are making around the world, proving that age is no barrier to making a significant impact.

4. Create a Ripple Effect

Recognition can lead to opportunities. Whether it’s networking, funding, or partnerships, a TOYP Award can open doors that help nominees expand their reach and multiply their positive influence.

Who Should You Nominate?

Think about the young leaders in your community, workplace, or personal life who are making a difference. Anyone between the ages of 18 and 40 can be nominated, and nominees should have demonstrated excellence in one of the award’s categories:

  • Academic Leadership and/or Accomplishment
  • Business, Economic, and/or Entrepreneurial Accomplishment
  • Environmental Leadership
  • Contribution to World Peace and/or Human Rights
  • Cultural Achievement
  • Humanitarian and/or Voluntary Leadership
  • Personal Achievement and/or Accomplishment
  • Political, Legal and/or Governmental Affairs
  • Scientific and/or Technological Development
  • Medical Innovation

How to Submit a Nomination

Nominating someone for a TOYP Award is simple. Visit the official TOYP website and fill out the nomination form with details about the nominee’s achievements and contributions. Be sure to highlight why you believe they deserve this honor and how their work aligns with the values of the TOYP Awards.

Deadline: The nomination period is open until 30 September 2024, so don’t delay! Take a moment today to think about the outstanding young people you know and submit your nomination.


The TOYP Awards are more than just accolades; they are a celebration of youth, innovation, and the relentless pursuit of a better world. By nominating someone for TOYP, you are playing a part in recognizing the heroes of tomorrow. So, let’s shine a light on the exceptional young leaders who are shaping our future—nominate someone today! All nominees will be celebrated during this year’s special 30th Anniversary of JCI Malta.

Visit the TOYP page to nominate and learn more.



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