TOYP & JCI Malta Awards

The 2024 JCI Malta Awards

JCI Malta recognizes individuals who make a positive difference in society in various fields. Through its various programs and initiatives, the organisation encourages individuals to take action and make a change in their communities. The organization offers recognition and awards to individuals who have made an impact in fields such as business, entrepreneurship, social responsibility, and sustainability. JCI Malta believes that by acknowledging these individuals, it can inspire others to follow in their footsteps and make a difference in their own communities. 

There are 3 types of awards:

  1. The Ten Outstanding Young Persons Awards
  2. Positive Change Awards
  3. Member Awards.

All nominees for TOYP Awards must be within the ages of 18 and 40.  This year’s deadline to submit nominations for the TOYP Awards and the Positive Change Awards is the 1st September 2024. All nominees and winners will be recognised at the 30th Anniversary JCI Malta Gala & Awards night that will be held on Friday the 29th November 2024.

TOYP Awards

JCI Malta Ten Outstanding Young Persons (TOYP) Awards


The JCI Ten Outstanding Young Persons of the World (JCI TOYP) program honors ten outstanding young people under the age of 40 each year. These individuals exemplify the spirit of the JCI Mission, and they serve as stellar examples of entrepreneurial spirit and ethical leadership.

Each year we ask the public to nominate people whom they believe are deserving of a TOYP nomination. You can nominate people across the 10 categories listed in the blue box below.

All nominees will be recognised at the glamorous and special edition (30th Anniversary) JCI Malta Gala Awards Night in November 2024. Friends and family of the nominees can attend this fantastic event to encourage and support their loved ones.



 Nominations for the 2024 TOYP Awards are opening soon!

Academic Leadership and/or Accomplishment

This award serves as a nod to the outstanding efforts of individuals and organisations contributing towards education, by developing means to improve the current educational system.

Business, economic, and/or entrepreneurial accomplishment

This award promotes sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth by rewarding significant entrepreneurial actions, both on a local and international level.


For those who have adopted sustainable practices relating to efficiency in use of water, waste, packaging, transport, and energy, contributing to the reduction of our carbon footprint by means of these and other innovative solutions.

Contribution to World Peace and/or Human Rights

This award recognises individuals who are using leadership skills to strive for the end of poverty, hunger, and other inhumane conditions for a more peaceful future.


Cultural Achievement

This award calls all visual and performing artists whose practice brings about a social consciousness, by means of their subject matter or materials.


Humanitarian and/or Voluntary Leadership

This award recognizes those who promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, providing access to justice for all and building effective, accountable institutions at all levels

Personal Achievement and/or Accomplishment

For those who, through their personal achievements, have made an impact in the way of public awareness, democracy, sustainability, human rights, environmental protection, social justice, and/or equality.

Political, Legal and/or Governmental Affairs

For those active at a political level in their communities, whether as part of the government, on a local council or affiliated with a political or pressure group actively working towards any SDG.

Scientific and/or Technological Development

An award recognising individuals who have created some form of technology or application to achieve objectives related to nutrition, sustainability, inclusion, education, and equality.

Be a sponsor

What will you get for your sponsorship?

Corporate sponsorships are available for each TOYP category. If you are interested in sponsoring a JCI Malta TOYP award category, please contact us. If you are supporting us, you’ll get the following:


  • Company logo on the category award of your choice
  • Company mentions on TOYP-related promotions (online and print)
  • Company logo on the TOYP landing page
  • Ticket to the JCI Malta Gala Awards night
  • Opportunity to present the award to the winner
  • Company mention on TOYP press releases (pre- and post-event)
  • Opportunity to have your brand associated with an internationally-recognised award
TOYP Awards

What are the JCI TOYP Awards?

Since 1983, JCI has honoured over 300 individuals from 57 nations. Past recipients of national TOYP awards include personalities such as John F. Kennedy, Henry Kissinger, Elvis Presley, Jackie Chan, Wayne Gretzky and many more – all honoured before the age of 40 and before they had achieved national prominence. Honorees selected in past years have represented the heights of progress in numerous human endeavours. Many have gone on to even greater achievements. All have continued to serve humanity and create impact in a great variety of ways.

Individuals between the ages of 18 and 40 are nominated in one of ten categories. The top ten honorees have been selected by an international panel of distinguished judges. The 10 chosen local honorees will be nominated for the international JCI TOYP Awards with the chance of being recognised as one of the most outstanding young people in the world.

All JCI Malta TOYP nominees are recognised at the annual JCI Malta Gala Awards Night – a highlight of the JCI Malta events calendar – during a three-course meal in the presence of JCI Malta members, partners, sponsors, family and friends. 

Tickets for the JCI Malta Gala Awards Night will be available closer to the date of the event.