During the 2022 JCI Malta Annual General Meeting, the JCI Malta members gave a mandate to the JCI Malta National Board to establish a committee of individuals that analyse JCI Malta, its local organisations and operations and come up with a strategic plan for the organisation for the period of 2024 – 2028.
Who can join the committee?
JCI Malta is currently seeking individuals who believe they have something to contribute to the discussion, to form part of this committee and together help JCI Malta grow and succeed. The committee needs to be made up of one or more of the following:
- Past National and/or Local President and/or current National President
- Senator and/or Senate Chair
- Member
- External individual
- Partner
- and any other individual that might be considered essential to the discussion.
Registration Form: https://forms.gle/a1Sw7rC2PHXR9pFW6
What elements could be included as part of the Strategic Plan 2024-2028?
- SWOT Analysis of the Organisation
- Rehaul of the organisation

- Attracting members
- Retaining members
- Local Organisation structure
- National Board structure
- Recommending Constitutional amendments to facilitate necessary changes 8. And any other factors to be determined by the members of the committee
- Any other aspect that is deemed fit by the committee
What timeline does the committee have to work with?
The Annual General Meeting also confirmed the deadlines and timelines that the committee should operate in and can be found below:
- JCI Malta to issue Call for Committee Members – Open til end of December 2022
- JCI Malta 2023 National Board to go through a selection process of applicants & inform selected Committee members by 2nd week of January 2023
- Committee members to internally select Chairperson & Set-up of working method – by end of January 2023
- Research & discussions period – finalised by end of June 2023
- Concluding report & Draft strategic plan – by end of July 2023
- Presenting to National Board – by end of August 2023
- Present strategic plan at 2023 AGM and get it approved and in force from 2024
Interested in joining? Fill out our form by no later than the 31st December at 11:59pm.
*Kindly note that this is a voluntary committee for a non-profit organisation, and therefore there will be no remuneration for the participation.