Leading Sustainable Growth in 2020

17 January 2020


This year’s theme of JCI Malta is “Leading Sustainable Growth“. But let’s start at the beginning:

My JCI journey started in 2017 when I joined JCI Malta’s La Vallette chapter. As an expat in a foreign country, I primarily joined as a way of meeting new people and networking for my business. I did not know a lot about JCI, but I was impressed by meeting international JCI members from as far as Japan at small local events in Malta. After looking more into JCI and attending some events, I decided to get more involved, but I would not have imagined being privileged enough to be the 2020 JCI Malta President.

Therefore, it is a huge honour to not only lead JCI Malta for one year, but also to drive forward the second year of our new JCI Malta Strategic Plan 2019-2023, which contains ambitious changes to the organisational structure, processes, and objectives, yet it is achievable and more aligned with JCI’s global vision and mission.

JCI Malta is different from most other National Organisations, which is already reflected in the organisational structure of having Local Organisations with different thematic priorities instead of geographic location. This brings us in the special position to bring together unique personalities, with different skills, strengths and weaknesses, and by working together in different areas of interest to us, we can unlock the potential in each and every one of us, as well as assist our communities.

What does “Leading Sustainable Growth” have to do with JCI Malta?

In the past years, responsibility and power shifted from our Local Chapters to the National Organisation. This had a variety of reasons, but it led to an unsustainable concentration of power in the National Board and separation from our member base. However, the more we utilise the diversity and strengths of our members and the more we can involve them, the stronger our organisation will become as a whole. Therefore, my objective for 2020 and the following years will be to strengthen our Local Chapters by giving them more responsibility and tools to grow into self-sufficient and sustainable organisations. As a result, our theme for 2020 will be #LeadingSustainableGrowth

My personal and business background taught me to take calculated risks, hence I am absolutely convinced that we can achieve our ambitious objectives by not only questioning the status quo and thinking big outside the box, but mainly by simply delivering them (imagine the motivational “Just Do It” speech of Art Williams).

Although we just have one year to lead, our new multi-year strategy will give us the ability to shape JCI Malta’s future by encouraging each and every member to get more involved and to become the next generation of leaders in JCI and other organisations. Only by involving and engaging our members through our local organisations, collaborating with all sectors of society to grow our organisation and by having the support of our Senators, we can ensure this plan benefits our members as well as our communities. Let’s shape JCI Malta and our three Local Chapters together into the #1 leading organisation of active young citizens that creates leaders by #LeadingSustainableGrowth in Malta.

What’s the plan for 2020?

End of November 2019, the JCI Malta 2020 National and Local Officers held an officers training and planning weekend. Apart from formulating common goals, it was decided to host a string of more than 40 events through our three Local Organisations, namely JCI La Vallette (Business), JCI Wignacourt (Social), and JCI Public Speaking & Debating.

In addition, JCI Malta will focus on its organisational health by improving current processes, tools, materials, workflows, etc., e.g. by improving its branding, adding new website and technological features, setting up of a JCI Malta Foundation, re-organizing and re-engaging of the National Senate, forging new partnerships with other NGOs, offering new corporate memberships, etc. – everything in order to be able to provide the best training in public speaking, leadership skills, and management techniques for young professionals looking to hone their abilities and extend their network.

Some of the highlights for the forthcoming year include a National Debating League in the first half of the year, a series of Train your Brain sessions, and a National Convention and JCI Facilitator Course in September with the participation of international JCI members.

Want to meet the JCI Malta 2020 team? Simply visit our National Board here.

Does this sound like something you want to be part of? Then do not hesitate to sign up as a member.



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